T4S Day with Harry Kuchah Kuchah

Examinations Centres Nord, invites you to an afternoon of
professional development workshops in support of:

26 January 2023

Berufliche Schule für Medien und Kommunikation, Eulenkamp 46, 22049 Hamburg

Registration by 19 January 2024

Attendance free – donations to T4S.eV are very welcome
(attendance certificates provided on request)

14:30 Size doesn’t matter – the implications of ‘ little words’ in context (Andreas Grundtvig)
15:30 Coffee break & networking
16.00 Reading to write, writing for what? (Harry Kuchah Kuchah)
18.00 Finish

Size doesn’t matter – the implications of ‘little words’ in context Andreas Grundtvig

14:30 – 15:30
In our efforts to build our learners’ lexical resource, the little words we use – the, so, but, we, might etc – are, often, taken too easily for granted to warrant class attention. In this workshop we will consider the implicature of such words and share activities, from resources such as English is Context – Practical pragmatics for clear communication (DELTA Publishing).
About Andreas: Andreas is the Centre Manager of Cambridge Exams Centres Nord (DE007 & DK770). Besides his 30 year experience, in different capacities of teaching English and exam administration, he is a linguist and author. His book ‘English is Context – practical pragmatics for clear communication (DELTA)’ was a finalist in the ELTons International Award for Innovation in Teacher Resources in 2022.

Reading to write, writing for what?
Harry Kuchah Kuchah
16:00 – 18:00
Reading and writing have traditionally been described as receptive and productive skills respectively, but this distinction tends to blur the relationship between both skills. As a result many teachers tend to teach both as separate skills and in different lessons, depriving students of the opportunity to build meaningful connections between different aspects of language. In the first part of this hands-on workshop, I will, together with participants explore different ways in which both skills can be integrated in an EFL classroom. Particularly I will show how reading supports writing and vice versa using examples from my own practice with young learners and teenagers. In the second part of the workshop, participants will be invited to assess a piece of writing with the view of answering the question: what do students write and what do teachers read? Then I will draw from my research into the teaching and assessment of writing in an EFL context in Africa to explore ways in which the assessment of writing could be better aligned with the processes of learning how to write in order to minimise possible disconnections between the teaching and assessment of writing in schools.
About Harry: Harry Kuchah Kuchah is Associate Professor of Languages, Social Justice, and Education at the School of Education, University of Birmingham. He has extensive experience of training and mentoring teachers and teacher researchers across Africa and has recently led a teacher research mentoring programme for the British Council in China. His research interests include language teacher education, context appropriate pedagogies, teaching languages to young learners and English-medium education in multilingual contexts. He is co-editor of International Perspectives on Teaching English in Difficult Circumstances (Palgrave Macmillan 2018), Ethical and methodological issues in researching young language learners in school contexts (Multilingual Matters 2021) and TeacherResearch in Africa: Voices from the Africa ELTA Mentoring Project (IATEFL 2022).

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